Engine Company 5 was formed April 16th 1888. This is despite their firehouse being constructed in late 1886. The station opended with an Amoskeag Steam Fire Engine and a small ladder combination hose wagon. Nov. 1st 1895 a Gleason & Bailey Ladder truck made in Senaca Falls, NY was added to the station.
Engine Company 5 is one of only two companies still operating at their original location, although in the second station on that piece of land.
Feb 9th 2016 Truck 5 was taken out of serivce due to another staffing reduction by the BMA. From 1895 to 2016 it was necessary to have a ladder truck in the north end of the City. That has not changed.
Today Engine Company 5 operates a 2014 E-One Cyclone II 2000gpm pumper made in Florida.
The staffing at Station 5 no longer complies with National Standards as of 2019.